• ESG Degree

    Year Evaluator Overall Environmental Social Governance
    2021 Korea Corporate Governance Service B+ B A A
    2022 Korea Corporate Governance Service B+ B+ A+ B
    2023 Korea Corporate Governance Service A B+ A+ A
  • The difference
    compared to
    the standard

    Recommendations of the standard model Doosan
    Fuel Cell
    Introduction of a charter of corporate governance X
    Voting in writing O
    Concentrated voting X
    Formation of BOD (with a majority of outside directors) O Internal Director : 2, Outside Director : 4
    Public announcement of BOD activities O
    Formation of a committee for the recommendation of directors O All outside directors
    Formation of an audit committee O All outside directors
    Public announcement of the difference compared to standard corporate governance O Posted on the company homepage
    To be covered by liability insurance with the company’s expenses for directors’ compensation for damages. O Covered by liability insurance for directors’ compensation for damages (renewed annually)
    Exact certification of business report, etc. O Certified by the representative director and the executive in charge