
Shared Growth

Fair Trade
Doosan Fuel Cell pursues fair competition in accordance with the principle of free competition, complies with relevant laws and regulations. We do not use our superior position to exert unfair influence over suppliers, subcontractors or distributors.
Major Activities

Distribution of fair trade guidelines

  • Prevention of Unfair Special Contracts Guidelines
  • Prevention of unfair support and overwork guidelines
  • Technical data request guidelines

Fair trade training

  • Education on subcontracting law
  • Education to prevent unfair support and overwork
  • Education on the delivery price indexation system

Internal monitoring of fair trade

  • Establishment of affiliate internal transaction review process
  • Strengthening monitoring of violations of the subcontracting law

Subcontract Dispute Resolution

  • Risk management in a proactive manner
  • Focus on protecting the rights and interests of subcontractors in case of dispute